Saturday super snacky noodles. I know they don't look great but trust me its yum!

I love noodles, in all shapes and sizes. From big steaming bowls of ramen to refined slimline glass noodles but sometimes you just can't go wrong with good old Supernoodles!

I was first introduced to them as a student by my best friend. Her mother was Malaysian and packet noodles are very much part of the norm there. Interestingly she did things a little differently than we would normally. She added twice as much water as suggested and added the flavour sachet and a chopped tomato and boiled them till the noodle's were cooked. She then turned the heat of and cracked an egg into the noodles and mixed it round. Absolutely delicious and I was hooked! We also found our fab Indian and continental shop which sold lots of different and excitingly flavoured noodles. We added different veg such as mushrooms, grated carrot, peas etc and with the added egg it was actually a pretty nutritious meal. Well nutritious for a student!!

I must have eaten noodles like that 3 times a week and I still love it. Thankfully the low fat Supernoodles are fabulously free so I can still enjoy my comforting noodle dishes and loose weight.

This dish however is slightly different take on Supernoodles and I have my fabulous consultant to thank for the idea behind this recipe.

The other Saturday I had a hankering for something savoury and snacky and naughty feeling tea. I thought of the Supernoodle snack that my consultant told us about and thought I'd expand it to a full meal.

Saturday Super Snacky Noodles

Serves 1

Free EE (can be adapted to free in green if you leave out the ham!)

1 packet low fat Supernoodles (chilli chicken is my favourite)

1 red onion sliced/spring onion

1 tomato roughly chopped

1/2 pepper sliced

2 sliced of ham chopped to bitesize

1 hex portion of any cheese you fancy. (Optional but does make it that bit more 'naughty' ooh melted cheese, drool)

1. Cook the Supernoodles according to the instructions on the packet.

2. Whilst they are cooking heat the grill to medium high and spray a baking tray with fry light.

3. Scatter the veg and ham on the baking tray, spray with more frylight and place under the grill. Grill until the veg are done to your taste.

4. Add the cooked noodles to the tray and toss through the veg. Sprinkle the cheese on top and place back under the grill till the cheese has melted and some of the noodles round the edge are toasted and crunchy.

5. Serve with fresh tomato and sit and pick to bits whilst watching Strictly!

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