Well such a busy day yesterday I didn't even fit in a blog. Stayed pretty much to plan until I went out for the evening.... Still I didn't got too mad as had to be home early for the babysitters which was probably a good thing. Definitely a flexible syn day but not too much damage I reckon.

I went for lunch with my friend and our kids (4 under 4 so you can imagine the madness, and the mess!). We went to a lovely local community cafe where they do nice healthy food and but unles I had the old jacket potato and beans I couldn't help but have unknown syns. I have always thought that there's a big gap in the market for a slimming world menu in cafes.

Lets face it most people, well women, are rather conscious of what they eat and 'doing lunch' can be a calorie or syn ridden nightmare unless its the above mentioned jacket and beans. This gets rather boring and is particularly annoying when you know the gorgeous food you could be eating! I started having people round for lunch instead which was nice but part of the point is going out and I hate feeling worried about meeting my friends So I think a slimming world menu would be a right draw.

Knowing how we share tips and ideas at group I reckon the news of a slimming friendly cafe would spread like wild fire and the cafe would be packed out in no time. Others may also come to realise that actually the healthy option can Beth's tasty option too!

So what do you think? Any cafes out there ready to take the challenge? Hope so I'm sick of jacket an beans! Hxx
I like to have a hearty lunch. It keeps me going pretty much till tea time without a dip in the biscuit barrel. These slimming world quiches are fabulous, syn free, so filling and you can vary them in anyway you fancy.

Today I used some tinned potatoes (handy time saver but pretty tasteless by themselves) pepper, red onion and garlic. I fried them off a bit to add flavour. Then blended 4 eggs with a tub of cottage cheese and half a tub off quark. I added a teaspoon of mustard which is a syn for the whole thing but really worth it! Then baked it for 30 min at gas mark 5.

I had it with some nice simple salad with white wine vinegar. I always think a nice green salad makes it look much prettier is all the more free food!

As you can see I couldn't resist making my portion even bigger although to be fair my toddler ate all of that. Must have been good as he had it instead of his peanut butter and jam sandwich!
Morning sunshine!
Morning Sunshine. Well actually it's blowing a miserable gale outside so I have given myself a bowl of tropical sunshine to cheer me up. Watermelon, pineapple, apple and a few blue berries have set me up in good style.

I love a big bowl of fruit in the morning and this is one of the things that slipped with the general madness of toddler breakfast time.

I got the watermelon for £2.50 from lidl and its lasted me all week so a right bargain. And I flipping love watermelon, reminds me of more exciting tropical times which can seem very far away on a wet windy morning!
Hello and thank you for looking at my new blog. I've never done a blog effort so bare with me.

I recently decided that I needed to loose some weight so I took the plunge and signed up to slimming world 3 weeks ago. I thought that maybe blogging about it would hell keep me motivated.

Plus ive cooked some really tasty teas, even if I do say so myself and thought if nothing else I might be able to share some tea time inspiration. I know I love searching the web for delicious recipe ideas, can you tell I like my food?

The food will be slimming world based, which these days is basically just healthy eating and I will include syns where I can. Please bare in mind though that they will just be syns as calculated by me who doesn't have a magic machine or anything.

I also hope to share any hints or tips that have worked for me along the way.

My motivation is all the usual stuff, feel better, be able to do more with the kids, not die or get any weight related illnesses oh and look nice in my clothes again!

So far I've lost 9lbs and am pretty pleased with that. I'm hoping that I'm addressing some of the really bad habits that I've got into and that slowly I will replace them with new good habits.

Right then time for breakfast!