Well such a busy day yesterday I didn't even fit in a blog. Stayed pretty much to plan until I went out for the evening.... Still I didn't got too mad as had to be home early for the babysitters which was probably a good thing. Definitely a flexible syn day but not too much damage I reckon.

I went for lunch with my friend and our kids (4 under 4 so you can imagine the madness, and the mess!). We went to a lovely local community cafe where they do nice healthy food and but unles I had the old jacket potato and beans I couldn't help but have unknown syns. I have always thought that there's a big gap in the market for a slimming world menu in cafes.

Lets face it most people, well women, are rather conscious of what they eat and 'doing lunch' can be a calorie or syn ridden nightmare unless its the above mentioned jacket and beans. This gets rather boring and is particularly annoying when you know the gorgeous food you could be eating! I started having people round for lunch instead which was nice but part of the point is going out and I hate feeling worried about meeting my friends So I think a slimming world menu would be a right draw.

Knowing how we share tips and ideas at group I reckon the news of a slimming friendly cafe would spread like wild fire and the cafe would be packed out in no time. Others may also come to realise that actually the healthy option can Beth's tasty option too!

So what do you think? Any cafes out there ready to take the challenge? Hope so I'm sick of jacket an beans! Hxx

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