Warming Toffee Apple porridge with Frozen Berrys.
Here's another warming breakfast to stock the fires on these cold winter mornings. Whilst I love my fresh fruit and watermelon, on these dark and damp mornings you need a bit of a glow about you before you tackle the great out doors. And like everything I do in the morning its really easy! 

As ever its free for interpretation change the yogurts or fruit. I was a bit worried about the apple cooking when I add it to the porridge so to avoid this I coarsely grated it and didnt add it until after I'd added the yogurt. I didn't taste cooked so Im pretty sure I got away without the syns!

I love to use cinnamon in my baking and sweets as I find it really adds sweetness and reduces the need for sweetener. It goes brilliantly with apple, oats and toffee, hooray!

Serves 1
1 HexB rolled oats 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 Toffee Muller Light
1 cooking apple grated
Frozen Berries to taste

  1. Take out your berries and put to one side to thaw.
  2. Cook your oats slowly in twice the volume of water and the cinnamon, stirring until thick.
  3. Pour in the yogurt
  4. Then add the grated apple and top with the berrys. et voila!

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